We’re introducing online accounts for parents which will make running the club more efficient. As a parent you’ll be able to enter your swimmers into galas online, view attendance information and see your monthly fees.
You can register for the system at account.chesterlestreetasc.co.uk. To add your swimmers, you will need their ASA Number and their Access Key. Access Keys are randomly generated by our system to ensure parents can only add their own swimmers to their account. Letters with ASA Numbers and Access Keys for each swimmer are being distributed by coaches.
Entering Galas online
We’re happy to now be able to let you enter competitions online. The new system asks you the important information which we need to know in order to make an entry and then submits it for you.
This is a new service and we are still working to improve it. Please continue to use the paper gala entry form as well as online entries so that we have a backup of each entry.
Filling out the Form
Filling out your entry couldn’t be simpler. You just need to;
- Select the swimmer from the dropdown
- Select the gala from the dropdown
- Select the events you would like to enter
- and how you intend to pay for the Gala – by Cash, Cheque or Electronic Bank Transfer
If not all swims at the gala are the same price, we’ll ask you to tell us how much your entry adds up to
You will need to fill out the form for each swimmer you are entering – You are unable to make multiple entries in one go
Your Confirmation Email
You will automatically receive an email from us listing all of the details that you provided and the events you have entered. Please be aware that this email is only for verification that information submitted was correct and for your piece of mind that we have received your entry.
This confirmation email is not however proof that your child has been entered into a gala or that your child has been accepted into a gala by the club hosting it. It is up to you to check the accepted entries when they are published. Please retain the email for your records.
Amending an Entry
If you need to amend an entry, log in to our system at any time before the closing date. In some cases, we may have processed an entry before the closing date. If so, you won’t be able to edit it. Don’t worry, contact the Gala Coordinator by sending an email to galas@chesterlestreetasc.co.uk.
Viewing Monthly Fees
We’ll show you your monthly squad fees in your Dashboard. Please note that we do not currently include fees for CrossFit and can only show fees for swimmers you have connected to your account. If you’re eligible for a discount based on the number of swimmers you have, we’ll show you the discounted fee.
Viewing Attendance Records
You can see the attendance of your swimmers as a percentage for the last four weeks. For swimmers whose coaches have not started using our electronic registers, attendance will currently show as 0%.