Final information for Short Course NERs and Draft Programmes
Final instructions from Swim England North East Age group draft programme Senior/Youth draft programme
Final instructions from Swim England North East Age group draft programme Senior/Youth draft programme
Due to COVID-19 rules, spectators must purchase tickets in advance for next weekends NERs. Tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis until the capacity is reached. Swim England North East will not be selling tickets at…
Accepted entries (Chester-le-Street only) Accepted entries All entries have been accepted. As spectating is limited to 250 people, please could only one spectator per family attend.
Please find the attached statement from Swim England North East. tl;dr – Timing, venue and event information for the short course regionals is subject to change due to capacity limits that may or may not be in place at Ponds…
Programme Start Lists
Programme Start Sheets Updated 3 June at 13:33.
Draft Programme The programme above is a draft programme. Events may be swum in a different order on the days listed and swimmers will be split into two groups to allow us to meet social distancing requirements.
Here are the accepted and rejected entries for the Liverpool Spring Open Meet. Accepted entries Rejected entries
Here are the accepted entries for the Derwentside Development Meet. Accepted entries
The draft programme is now available for the Burns Meet. Draft programme (updated)