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This post is more than 8 years old

World’s Biggest Coffee Morning 2016


- Notices

It’s that time of year again folks and we are planning on hosting a cake bake fundraiser again this year in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care.

The event will be held on Friday 30 September 2016 from 6pm to 9pm in the reception area (in lieu of usual sweet shop) where coffee, cakes, sweet treats and all manner of baked goodies will be on offer to raise funds for this fantastic cause.

As always we are asking members to don those aprons (or hot leg it down to the store) for donations for the stall; cupcakes, tray bakes, cake pops & cookies. All will be gratefully accepted and we might even leave one or two for the stall!

Donations can be handed to Lianne Pye on the day from 5pm,similarly if anyone would like to help with the event please let Lianne know.

As always your support is very much appreciated and hope to see you all there indulging!