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New Club Treasurer and Welfare Officer


- Notices

Chester le Street ASC
Following Ruth Moralee’s recent resignation as Treasurer, we are delighted to announce that we have now appointed a successor.
Christine Gibson Lee has volunteered to take on the role with immediate effect. With a background in financial accounts & bookkeeping,we’re sure she will be a great asset to the team.
We are also pleased to confirm that Hayley Gray will be undertaking the role of Club Welfare Officer. Hayley brings a wealth of experience to the role, having held the position for several years in the past.
We would like to warmly welcome both to the team, and wish them the best of luck as they take up their posts.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank their predecessors Ruth and Jo once again, for their hard work and commitment to the roles during the last few years, and for the significant contribution they have made to the successful running of the club.