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Good Luck Nicola!


- News


GBDSC Annual Club Championships

We would like to wish one of our B squad swimmers Nicola McConnell, the best of luck when she takes part in the GBDSC Club Championships early next month.

GBDSC or Great Britain Deaf Swimming Club, is an ASA affiliated swimming club, run by volunteers who are keen to help  create opportunities for deaf swimmers.

The club based in the South East Region, welcomes swimmers with hearing impairments from across the country; offering a competitive pathway for deaf athletes, encompassing training opportunities, as well as resources & support for swimmers and their families.

The Club Championships is an inclusive annual event, open to hearing impaired swimmers nationwide of all abilities, incorporating a comprehensive training programme in addition to the championships themselves, all jam packed into a weekend of fun, frolics and competition!

In addition to their domestic competitions, GBDSC take their highest ranked swimmers to the international stage, where they compete in European and even World deaf swimming championships, with significant success I might add, as several GBDSC swimmers are the current holders of European and World Deaf records!

The upcoming Club Championships takes place on 18-20 March 2016, and acts as trials for the GBDSC to select their International Teams, so I’m sure the competition will be fierce to secure those all-important places!

I’m sure it will be a great event and we look forward to hearing how Nicola gets on!

GBDSC are always looking to welcome new members from far and wide to their swimming community, with a wealth of opportunities on offer for swimmers of all ability levels. It’s a fantastic initiative, designed to encourage and support deaf athletes to participate and excel in competitive swimming, and we wish them all the best with this year’s championships.

To find out more about GBDSC and how to join, click on the link below to visit their website.

GB Deaf Swimming Club