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Gateshead & Whickham Spring Meet


- Closed Galas

Accepted Entries now available

Venue: Dunston Leisure Centre, Dunston Bank, Gateshead, NE11 9PY

Eligible Squads: SD1/2 &  B3

B2 Junior League competitors only

(all other B2 swimmers should compete in Richmond Dales April Fools Meet  9/10 April 2016)

Date: 9  April 2016 (Due to Junior League we will only be competing in Saturday’s events)

Closing Date: 6 March 2016

Cost of entry: £5.00 per event

Spectator Entry: £4.50 per session /£8.00 per day (including programme) or £15.00 whole weekend (including programme)

Programmes: £2.00

Meet Information