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Christmas Gala BOTTLE PULL!


- News, Notices

bottle pull

Christmas Gala Bottle Pull!

To put the  fun  into FUNdraiser we thought we’d try something a little different for our Christmas Gala and hold a  Christmas Bottle Pull!

But to make it work we need everyone to take part. We would be extremely grateful if each family could donate a bottle for the stall, which can be anything from Tomato Sauce to Tequila, Lemonade to Lager, Perrier to Pimms the choice is yours!  The more interesting the better!

Please could we ask that people bring their donations on Friday night to the Sweet Stall ahead of the gala next week, any late donations can be given to Sarah Fairbairn or any committee member to be passed on, but all must be received by Wednesday 9 December to be included in the pull.

Thank you in advance for your support as always it’s much appreciated!