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ASA Membership Details – Updates Required


- Notices, Uncategorized

Please could we remind all club members that they are responsible for keeping their personal records up to date.

It is vitally important that the correct details are held, as this is the information which both the ASA and the club will use in order to contact members.

The ASA introduced a new Online Membership System (OMS) last year (link below), on which members (or parents for members under 18 years of age) can update address and contact details.

To ensure that we hold the correct information, please could we ask that all members take 5 minutes to check their details.

For any parents who have not used this system before, a password will need to be set up on the first visit. You will also need the following information:

  • ASA Membership Number (this can be found by visiting ASA Rankings or by contacting Gail Burns (Registration Officer)
  • Current Email Address registered with the ASA (again this can be confirmed with Gail Burns)

If anyone has any questions regarding this, please contact Gail.

Online Membership System