We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Club Swim Shop and team clothing range.
Details of the full range on offer and pricing can be found on our Swim Shop page, which also includes details of any “pre-loved” kit and accessories which we currently have on offer (please note that this will be updated on a regular basis).
Plans are in place to run a Sunday Swim Shop once or twice a month depending on interest and competition commitments, planned opening hours will be published separately as soon as these have been confirmed.
Orders for kit can be placed via the Sunday Swim Shop, Friday night sweet shop, or with Lianne Pye or Fiona Heppell at any other time. Members should be aware that with the exception of club hats, no stocks of clothing will be held by the club, and delivery for orders is estimated around 2 weeks (slightly longer for personalised items), therefore please take this into consideration when placing orders.
All kit with the exception of shorts and tracksuit bottoms can now be personlised with initials for an additional charge of £2.50 per item, please advise if you require this at the time of ordering.
We’re sure you will agree there are some great additions to our kit range, which with Christmas fast approaching could maybe double up as some useful little stocking fillers!
Order forms can be downloaded below
We are also pleased to announce that we are now taking orders for personalised competition hats at a price of £8.50.
We are hoping to submit quarterly orders for these (order dates will be published on our website).
Our first order will be placed in early November to ensure delivery pre Christmas- all orders must be placed by Wednesday 4 November 2015 to be included in this quarter’s order.
Please speak to Lianne Pye or Fiona Heppell to place your order and for any other questions regarding team kit.