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SGM Update


- Notices

Our annual meeting was held on Friday 15 May 2015, to deliver a roundup of the previous year’s performance and outline proposals for future developments within the club.

We would like to apologise for the slightly later than published start time, and for any inconvenience that this may have caused any parents or members. However, we were extremely pleased to see that despite this, there was such a strong turnout and appreciate the constructive and positive feedback raised by members.

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to considering a number of proposed amendments to our Club constitution, all of which by unanimous agreement, have been submitted for approval to Regional ASA.

A further update will be provided regarding the proposed amendments, as soon as possible.

Full minutes of the meeting and copies of our Annual Financial Report are available on request from the Club Secretary, for anyone who was not able to join us on the night.

As a club, we rely on the help and support of our members and as such, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your continued assistance, with particular thanks going to our coaching team for their ongoing dedication to our swimmers and all those who volunteer their time and effort (no matter how great or small) to contribute to the running of the club. It is greatly appreciated.

The past year now behind us, we look ahead to the coming year, and hope to see ongoing new and exciting developments within the club.