Paym is now available to use.
You may send a payment to the club via your bank app on your mobile phone, without having to use sort codes and account numbers.
Simply select Paym on your bank app (some apps may show Pay a Contact instead) and select Penny’s (the clubs) mobile number, enter the amount you wish to pay and send. The name of the club will be shown to you when you confirm the payment.
Penny will then receive a text message to inform her of your payment.
It’s simple. No bank account information is required and replaces the card machine.
Paym is safe and secure
- Paym has been developed by the people who run the services that move mobile and internet banking payments between the UK’s banks.
- Paym uses the same systems that already send and receive your money.
- Paym has been built by all the participating banks and building societies together, to the highest possible security standards.
- Payments are made at the same speed as existing mobile or online payments – in most cases, almost immediately.
Find out more on the Paym website.