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Volunteering Roles at CLSASC


- News, Notices

We urgently need volunteers to help fill the following positions in the club

When a child stands on the blocks wearing the red cap of Chester-le-Street there is an awful lot of work happening behind the scenes to enable it. Without the help and time of volunteers the club cannot function and we need people to step forward and help.

We’d like to especially appeal to the parents of the younger squads. The committee and volunteers are traditionally drawn from the older swimmers parents as they are more comfortable around the place, know more people and have come to realise what is needed to run the club. Occasionally we may be guilty of focusing on the older swimmers, we’d love to rectify that and have more representation from the younger groups, after all they are the future of the club. What better way to help shape that future than becoming involved in shaping the direction we take?

In an ideal world we’d like some of these roles to be shared. A husband and wife team, 2 or 3 friends, what about the grandparents? We see them proudly cheering on gala day but can they share some of their time, skills and experience to support the little ones too? The more hands we can recruit the more we can divide up the work and the lighter the load will be on individuals.

Secretary and Treasurer are the more formal roles but please don’t underestimate the role the sweet shop plays especially on the social side. All the sweet things we do come from the sweet shop revenue. Fun days, presents for the kids, subsidising trips, these are all generated from that little table on a Friday night, plus who doesn’t love a mix up?

Links to the role descriptions are included and will be posted on the noticeboard.


If you feel you can help please contact us by email or speak to anyone below at the pool.

  • Terry Mason –
  • Gail Burns –
  • Lorraine Lawrence –
  • Fiona Heppell
  • Dave Mitchelson
  • Lisa Ward
  • Sarah Fairbairn
  • Penny Larsen