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This post is more than 9 years old

Rag Bag Collection


- Club Events, News, Notices

A reminder that we will be conducting a Rag Bag fundraiser at the end of January to raise valuable funds to provide competition kit & other competition support to our swimmers for 2016 league and championship events.

For those of you not familiar with the “Rag Bag” scheme, it is a recycling project used  by schools and community groups UK wide; to provide regular fundraising, whilst also helping the environment through textile recycling.

Its exceptionally easy to do, simply collect all your unwanted or outgrown (wearable) shoes & clothes, bag them up and we will collect and send to the Rag Bag organisation. The club will receive money for each KG of textiles collected – it couldn’t be easier!

So when you’re having a clear out after Christmas, bag it up and we’ll clear it for you, making money for our swimmers in the process!

Letters and collection bags will be given out to swimmers when we return to the pool in January, which will confirm the dates on which bags should be returned to the pool. Collection dates will be staggered by squad and bags can be handed to Lianne Pye.

So come on folks clear out those wardrobes to help kit out our swimmers!

As always your support is much appreciated.